My Big-Inning is a collection of brushes transformed into vibrant, flowing works of art. Each piece features resin-painted strokes that seem to pour and cascade, capturing the energy and excitement of a new beginning. The vibrant colors express the dynamic sense of renewal and fresh starts, while the brush forms themselves serve as both tools and subjects, symbolizing the creative process and transformation .

My Big-Inning is a collection of brushes transformed into vibrant, flowing works of art. Each piece features resin-painted strokes that seem to pour and cascade, capturing the energy and excitement of a new beginning. The vibrant colors express the dynamic sense of renewal and fresh starts, while the brush forms themselves serve as both tools and subjects, symbolizing the creative process and transformation .
- My Big-inning -
Fantasia Collection
Resin, metal, acrylic paint, natural fiber.
H 69 cm x W 20 cm x D16 cm.